Scientific Research and Producing Enterprise Ekologiya renders services on instrumental monitoring of factors of technological environment in accordance with the following regulatory documents:
According to the GOST (state standard) 12.1.005-88, scheduled frequency of monitoring of harmful chemical agents depends on hazard class of dangerous matter:
For the І class – not less than each 10 days.
For the ІІ class - not less than once a month.
For the ІІІ and ІV classes - not less than once a quarter.
Characteristics of microclimate (temperature, relative humidity and air velocity, thermal emission) should be controlled not less than twice a year – in warm and cold weather, in accordance with the State Sanitary Standards
According to the State Sanitary Standards, measurement of occupational noise should be performed once a year or when using new equipment and technologies.
According to the State Sanitary Standards, vibration should be controlled once a year.
Light intensity should meet the requirements of the State Building Regulation В.2.5-28-2206.